Do you have any social media plan?
How long does the plan costs you to make?
How do you plan?
What should you think when you making the social media plan??
Before you do make the social media plan, you need to have:
Above we can call: OGST.
There are four parts of social media plan:
---locate consumers
---assess their social activities
---look for small, focused audiences;
---define business objectives
---how can your brand's strengths be extended online?
---how and where will you do it?
---how will relationships with consumer's change?
---who will be leading this effort?
---decide what social tools you will use.
---how will you monitor activities and measure success?
Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, having a social media presence is imperative, not just to help drive traffic to your site, but to help you engage your customers, as well.
The top social media sites that business owners should have presence in include: